The 'SafetyRating' accounts for 40% of the WealthCheck score and is an assessment of the following components:
Holdings in your Portfolio
Minimise the impact of market movements by having a diversified portfolio consisting of more than 15 holdings. ETFs are considered to consist of 10 holdings.
Distribution of Holdings
Ensures even distribution of holdings, with a penalty if a single holding makes up more than 25% of your Portfolio.
Holdings Considered Lower Risk
A measure of the number of holdings considered lower risk in your portfolio, such as holdings listed in the ASX100, ETFs, cash, interest rate securities and convertible notes.
Asset Allocation
A score based on the different types of asset classes in your Portfolio (e.g. Australian shares, International shares, fixed interest and ETFs).
How to improve my WealthCheck score or SafetyRating?
Log into your account and click on the WealthCheck and SafetyRating icons located on your dashboard for more information on how to improve your scores. An example of this area is below.