Yes, you can set up your own target portfolio holdings combining stocks from your watchlist, with stocks from the best performing members using your virtual portfolio.
How to create your Target Portfolio holdings
- Within your Trading Account create a Target Portfolio using the Custom option and select the members you are wishing follow who's holdings most represent those that you are interested in
- Click on the Virtual Portfolio Type
- Select My Portfolio
- Add Holdings and ETF’s as required
- Go back to Trading Portfolio
- Click on Members tab
- Search on your member name
- There should now be 2 portfolios, the second one with #2 is the virtual portfolio just created
- Select the #2 Portfolio and click on the add to my Target
- Success – This Target Portfolio now has the selected members holdings, the virtual portfolios ETFs and holdings
- The member can align to this target portfolio
Note: Portfolios with a # indicates that it is a virtual portfolio.