As of 1 March 2020, existing Selfwealth members can apply for additional trading accounts under their existing user login.
To apply for an additional portfolio under your existing login, follow the steps below:
- Log into the Selfwealth website
- Select Settings
- Select Portfolios
- Click Open a New Portfolio
The 'Portfolios' tab will also display a 'Trading Account Card' for each trading portfolio owned by you. The card will include the following information:
- CHESS Holder Identification Number (HIN) and registration details
- Selfwealth cash account details
- Nominated bank account details
Changing Your Default Trading Account
Once you have multiple trading accounts, you will be able to select which account will be your 'default' trading account. To change the default trading account simply click the Settings 'Cog' on the relevant 'Trading Account Card'
Free trades will be allocated to your default trading account. If you would like referral trades to be allocated to a different account, you will need to change the default trading account, before sending out the referral link.