When you submit an international cash transfer, you will be shown an 'Estimated Foreign Exchange (FX) Rate' which will provide an indication of the estimated amount you will receive at the time of conversion. The FX rate includes a basis point spread (BPS) as part of the conversion (for more information on the FX rate and BPS click here).
In the above example, a client is attempting to convert $1,000.00 from AUD to USD. Once processed, the return shown in the USD cash account will be $769.29 USD as an estimate. This is prior to the conversion being finalised at 2:00 PM on that business day (assuming the request is submitted before 9:00 AM).
When you view your 'Net Portfolio Value' on the Dashboard, it will use the value of $769.29 USD and provide an approximate AUD valuation based on a currency conversion back to AUD. The rate used will be the same as the one provided when transferring from AUD to USD, including the basis point spread.
For our example, you can see that when you submit a conversion of the amount back from USD to AUD, it shows $984.61 AUD from this conversion. Due to the basis point spread being applied again, the 'Net Portfolio Value' would not be displayed as $1000.00 AUD, but as $984.61 AUD.