When you request an international currency transfer between your cash accounts, an actual transfer of funds also takes place behind the scenes. Due to the nature of international funds transfers, there will be a short period during which your funds are not available for trading.
The length of this period depends on the currency pair being traded, and whether the transfer is submitted before the 'cut-off time'.
If you submit a transfer request after the cut-off or on a non-business day, then your request will begin processing on the next business day. Until the funds reach the destination account, they will show as part of your 'Reserved' cash balance.
We've prepared a table below which provides expected transfer times for each currency pair, assuming the payment is submitted prior to the cut-off time:
Original Currency |
Destination Currency |
Cut-Off Time |
Funds Available |
AUD | USD | 9:00 AM | 2:00 PM same-day |
USD | AUD | 9:00 AM | 10:00 AM on the 2nd business day |
AUD | HKD | 3:00 PM | 7:00 PM same-day |
HKD | AUD | 3:00 PM | 10:00 AM on the 2nd business day |
USD | HKD | 3:00 PM | 7:00 PM same-day |
HKD | USD | 3:00 PM | 7:00 PM same-day |
All times are shown in Sydney time (AEST or AEDT as applicable) and only include business days for any market that the transfer is occurring between.
To help illustrate these transfer times, we've prepared some examples below:
Example 1:
Bob submits a request to transfer AU$1000 to USD on Monday at 8:30 AM AEST. There are no US or Australian public holidays. The funds arrive in his USD cash balance shortly before 2:00 PM on the same day.
Example 2:
Will submits a request to transfer AU$500 to HKD on Friday at 4:00 PM AEST. Because Will submitted the transfer request after the 3:00 PM cutoff time, the transfer is processed on the next business day and arrives in his HKD cash balance at 7:00 PM on Monday.
Example 3:
Cynthia submits a request to transfer US$3000 to AUD at 3:00 AM AEST on a Thursday. Typically the funds would arrive in her AUD balance on Monday (the 2nd business day) at 10:00 AM. However, there is an Australian national public holiday on the Monday. As a result, the funds arrive in Cynthia's AUD cash balance on the next Tuesday.