To use your free trades, simply place an order for an ASX holding and have it filled. If a free trade is available no brokerage fee will be charged when the order is filled.
Please note: free trades can only be applied to ASX orders.
How are free trades applied?
Brokerage is charged when your order is filled. Once your order is filled and comes off the market, if a free trade is available it will be consumed and you will not be charged brokerage.
For example, if you have 3 free trades and 10 trades in the market, regardless of when you placed the order, it's the orders that are filled first that will use your free trades. The remaining 7 orders will be charged $9.50 when filled.
If an order does not fill at all, the brokerage will not be charged nor will any free trades be consumed.
Where can I see how many free trades I have?
To view your free trades, log into the Selfwealth website and click Trading Account then Trades.
All free trades including those earned via the referral program will be displayed here. Most free trades have an expiry of 30 days.