Managing Your Cash Accounts
- How do I deposit money to my Selfwealth account?
- Why can't I withdraw my funds?
- Does Selfwealth support instant payments?
- How do I withdraw cash from my Selfwealth account?
- What is the 'Reserved Cash' balance?
- Can I link my existing bank account to my Selfwealth trading account to fund trades?
Managing Your Account Details
- How do I change my address?
- How do I change my default portfolio?
- How do I update my primary email address?
- What is my 'Selfwealth ID' and where can I find it?
- How do I find my Selfwealth ID, HIN and cash account details?
- How do I add an additional email address to receive contract notes?
SelfWealth Premium
- Membership Frequently Asked Questions
- How do I upgrade to a Selfwealth Premium Annual subscription?
- What is the difference between 'Live Pricing' and 'Live Streaming'?
- What are the features for Advanced Charting?
- What is 'Selfwealth Premium' and how do I enable it?
- What is the $1.00 charge on my credit card?